
What is Vaginal Cancer?

The vagina is the narrow tube-like muscular canal that connects the cervix to the outside of the body. It is also known as the birth canal. When cancer originates in the vagina, it is called vaginal cancer and it is very rare. It can be easily cured if diagnosed at an early stage; however, at the advanced stages, it becomes difficult to treat. Vaginal cancers are of different types:

  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Adenocarcinoma
  • Clear cell carcinoma

Symptoms of Vaginal Cancer

The symptoms of vaginal cancer can be easily mistaken for some other medical conditions. Therefore, even a slightest of discomfort, which runs for an extended period, should be discussed with a specialist. Some of the signs and symptoms are:

  • Bleeding or discharge not related to menstrual periods or abnormal periods
  • Pain in the pelvic area, especially when you pass urine or have sex
  • A lump in the vagina
  • A change in bathroom habits, like frequent urination, blood in the urine or stool, or feeling constipated.

Screening & Diagnosis of Vaginal Cancer


If you have symptoms indicative of vaginal cancer, Dr. Naresh will check general signs of health and may perform the following:

  • Pelvic exam:

    Where doctor will check the cervix & upper part of vagina, uterus, bladder and rectum for any anomalies.

  • Pap smear:

    Where doctor will collect cells from the surface of the cervix and vagina and view them under a microscope to find out if they are abnormal./p>

  • Biopsy:

    If Pap smear shows abnormality, a biopsy of the cervical and vaginal tissues may be done. If there is a visible lesion in the vagina, punch biopsy will be performed.

Staging evaluation: Doctor might suggest imaging like CT scan, MRI scan, PET-CT scan to check the precise location and stage to delineate proper treatment plan for you of the cancer and if the cancer has spread. Depending on the results, further tests and surgery and adjuvant treatment will be suggested by the doctor

Vaginal Cancer Stages

Stage 1

The cancer is only in your vaginal wall.

Stage 2

It has spread to the tissue around your vagina.

Stage 3

Cancer is in the wall of your pelvis

Stage 4

The cancer has reached the lining of your bladder, the lining of your rectum.

Stage 5

It has spread to farther parts of your body like your lungs or bones.

Treatment of Uterine Cancer


Uterine cancer may be diagnosed, staged, and treated during the same surgery. During surgery, the doctor removes as much of the cancer as possible. The following procedures may be used to treat uterine cancer:

  • Wide local excision:

    removal of the cancer and some of the normal tissue around the cancer.

  • Laser surgery:

    uses a laser beam knife to make bloodless cuts in tissue or to remove a tumor.

  • Total /partial Vaginectomy:

    removal of all or part of the vagina.

  • Pelvic exenteration:

    removal of the lower colon, rectum and bladder, cervix, vagina and ovaries and nearby lymph nodes


  • Radiation:

    It uses high-energy rays to kills any remaining cancer cells in the treated area. Doctors can use external radiation therapy, which is usually given on an outpatient basis through a large external machine, or give brachytherapy, where very small tubes containing a radioactive substance are inserted through the vagina and left in place for a few days and later removed. The patient stays in the hospital during this treatment.

  • Chemotherapy:

    This uses medication to kill or stop the growth of cancer cells. The patient might take the medication by mouth or get it injected into a vein (intravenous). Topical chemotherapy (chemo in lotion or cream form) for squamous cell vaginal cancer might be given.